Saturday, March 3, 2012

Food Pantry

I work for a church as the office manager.  We have a food pantry that is run by the Deacon's.  The Pastor  and I went shopping and bought quite a bit of food.  We took my truck so we would have enough room to put everything.  We bought enough to make up 15 food boxes.  Our food boxes will feed a family of 4 for a week so there is quite a bit of food in there.  I really enjoy this part of my job as I get to help people that need a helping hand.  Some people we see every month and some people we see a time or two and then they are back on their feet.  In this economy we are finding less and less resources to get food to stock our pantry.  We would get food from a government agency and they told us that they do not have anymore funding so that leaves us (the church) having to buy item to keep it going.  But, it's ok, as long as we can keep it open because that is what is important.

I live in East Tennessee and we got hit by the bad weather yesterday.  On my way home from work they said that there was a funnel cloud spotted about 4 miles from where I was.  I was thankful that I left a few minutes early.  I live in the Smokey Mountains and we just had strong winds and a lot of rain but at least no tornado. 

Tomorrow will be a sew day for me.  I want to finish getting my Sitka Bay rows together so I can get on to other things.  I hope you have a great day wherever you are.

Sandy in TN

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the help you give to families in need. You are one special lady!! I'm so happy you weren't affected by the terrible weather. Have a beautiful, blessed day, my friend.
